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Intruduction to BDD (ATDD)

Behavior-driven Development is an agile software development practice that enhances the paradigm of TDD and encourages the collaboration between developers, quality assurance, domain experts, and stakeholders.Teams serious about rapidly developing quality software are turning to BDD for identifying misunderstanding within requirements before works starts, as well as for test automation to avoid manual testing and regression testing.

As BDD requires the involvement of the whole team the course has been broken down into 3 separate classes to focus on the different skills and techniques involved.

Class 1: Communication and collaboration in BDD team

This class talks about collaboration between testers, business analysts, developers and product owners, to enable them to apply BDD principles and practices to steer their projects with acceptance tests at the level of requirements and user stories. Through a series of practical exercises, we enable students to translate business requirements into user stories with acceptance tests written using Gherkin language with minimal restrictions about grammar in a typical Given, When, and Then structure. This identifies misunderstanding and conflict within the requirements. Students will get practical experience of writing Acceptance Tests as scenarios ready for automation by Cucumber.

Class 2: Test Automation with Cucumner-JVM and Selenium Webdriver

This course will give you a strong foundation in Cucumber JVM, a rewrite of Cuke4Duke, the tool many Java developers and testers use for writing and running BDD style acceptance tests. Through a series of practical exercises, we enable students to translate scenarios into runnable acceptance tests using Cucumber-JVM and Selenium Webdriver.

Class 3: Overview of other BDD test frameworks for Java

During this class we will overview and try to compare few other tool bundles one can adopt for BDD Fronted Acceptance Testing:

  • Cucumber-JVM and Selenium WebDriver for BDD
  • Thucydides and Selenium WebDriver for BDD
  • JBehave and Selenium Webdriver for BDD
  • Fitness and Selenium Webdriver for BDD

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